ICS strategy and JFP

Our Five-year Integrated Care Strategy

Below you will find our summary document of the Five-year Integrated Care Strategy for Devon. This strategy sets out how we will plan and organise health, care and other support services so that joined-up, preventive care is available to everyone in the population across the course of their lives.

Last updated June 2023


One Devon Partnership Integrated Care Strategy

The creation of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and Partnerships (ICPs) in England has provided an opportunity for partner organisations from across Devon to work more closely together on behalf of local people.


Our Joint Forward Plan

We are excited to publish this, the first Devon 5-Year Joint Forward Plan (JFP), which signals a different way of working within the Devon system, for the first time
bringing together plans from across different sectors within health and care in response to the One Devon Integrated Care Strategy. Local Authorities and the NHS have agreed that they will work together and be held jointly responsible for delivering the plan.

Published in June 2023

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